During these hard economic times almost every consumer purchase boils down to one thing, price. With prices ranging due to personal preference, its not so easy to decide which garage door opener to buy. The variations of the pricetag can be a reflection of the brand of the manufacturer, type of motor, and horsepower output. A single door garage usually require 1/2 horsepower operator. The much heavier garage doors must have an opener with at least 3/4 horsepower.
Getting agarage door opener that is reliable is very important. The weight of the door and the power of the opener must be considered in order to get maximum dependability. A low powered opener attached to a large garage door is going to result in breakdown, if not yanking it directly from the ceiling. Getting the right horsepower that is compatible with the weight of the door ensures that your opener will be around for a long time.
Kind of Motor
The type of motor is also a factor to consider. Chain and direct drives have the most durability. The brand makes a difference as well. Just like any other industry, some manufacturers make quality product whereas others do not. The leaders in quality openers are Genie, Sommer, and Chamberlain. You can contact any garage door company in Contractor Fayetteville for more details on these brands.
Type of Mechanism
Selecting the best opener also has a lot to do with the type of mechanism it houses. The chain drive unit is the most popular due to its reliability. They have been around for a long time. The average chain drive opener is used for 10 years or more with regular maintenance. However, they can be quite loud. If you’re seeking a reliable yet quiet opener, the belt drive will definitely suit your preferences. Another option is the screw drive. It requires little maintenance because it has fewer moving parts than the others. These can last for a long period of years as well.